August Recess Health Care Update
Congress is in August recess. Hot as a pistol in Washington, DC.
Where are we this week? All the players have staked their positions. The president and the administration have not articulated a definitive plan. They have offered a dreamy vision. As we have noted, both strategically and rhetorically, this vision keeps evolving. Most recently, the focus has shifted to insurance reform. An easier sell. As one commentator said this Sunday, “nobody likes their insurance company.”
Who are the players? The President and the Administration, the Democratic Congress, the Republican Congress, health insurance companies, Big Pharma, labor unions and … the mobilized masses … the pitchfork crazies and the outspoken talk radio infotainers.
Harry and Louise have been resurrected. This time they are promoting health care coverage. Why do you think they have changed their minds? Remember, the large insurance carriers and Big Pharma will not lose.