Minivelle Vivelle Short Supply
Minivelle and Vivelle are severely backordered. We have not been able to determine the source of this short supply. It emanates from the manufacturer. This is not a local pharmacy problem it is not a distribution problem. For obscure reasons it is not being manufactured. We have not seen any recalls.
The 0.1 mg dose is in most demand and in short supply. Many of you have been dispensed a generic form of estradiol patches. Mylan is the leading generic house. Generic patches are not the same as the proprietary drug — Minivelle or Vivelle dot.
Estrogen patches are not about the drug which is bioidentical. It is 17-beta-estradiol. That is bioidentical. Biologically identical to your own internally produced hormones. The FDA prohibits the manufacturer labeling this as bioidentical. That is a legal-political issue. Not a medical issue.